Welcome to Bellyfit
Bellyfit is a holistic movement system for women that draws inspiration from ancient and modern elements. It is a one hour moving experience in a group fitness style, incorporating elements of pilates for breath and alignment, cultural dance for celebration and community, yoga for practice binding and music that moves hearts. Bellyfit gives women the opportunity for self – empowerment and rebalancing through movement, it is fun, safe and energising. I invite you to watch the quick video below on what Bellyfit is in a nutshell, please check the rest of the page for more the details. I would encourage anyone fit and young at heart to join us so please share the "BELLE LOVE" and invite your friends, your sisters, your mum along and any woman who you think will benefit from this holistic movement practice. That's every woman!
What is Bellyfit in detail?
MOVEMENT | Love how you feel.
For women only, Bellyfit classes are intelligently designed to give you the full body workout you need, the mental calm you deserve and the spiritual connection you crave.
Each class is inspired by 3 main movement practices:
Fitness = familiarity and effectiveness
Dance (Mostly inspired by Belly Dance) = FUN!
Yoga/Stretch = spiritual connection +breath/alignment
MUSIC | Beyond the physical, into the heart & soul!
The music used in a Bellyfit class is unlike anything you will ever hear in another fitness class. Just as the choreography for Bellyfit is inspired by many cultural elements, ancient and modern, so is the Bellyfit music.The music we choose is definitely NOT your typical aerobics top-40 mashup cover music. We choose music that is richly layered, containing high energy beats, beautiful melodies and inspiring meditative soundscapes. Bellyfit music combines these organic and soul-filled elements for a sonic journey that is guaranteed to move you!
COMMUNITY | More than a class. This is a gathering.
When women come together ~ healing happens.
When women come together in a non-competitive, inspiring, inclusive, women-only fitness class environment ~ empowerment and transformation happens! Bellyfit build strong communities of like-minded yet diverse, motivated, inspiring women who develop lasting friendships, all rooted in their Bellyfit class experience and perspective. This kind of support and sisterhood offer benefits not only to the individual women, it spirals much wider and has a positive effect on the family, the community and the planet! Together, women can truly heal the planet, and we must begin within. Strong women. Strong World.
CULTURE | United we are one.
Within every culture on this planet is a set of rituals and traditions expressed through dance. These rituals and traditions allow us to celebrate and honour the turning points that tell the story of where we came from, where we are and where we’re going. DANCE is built into our DNA, but many of us have lost the connection to this ancient rite. It’s time we find it again...and through this connection to ourselves and each other, we realise that we are all of the same Source, we are all one and we must reunite if we are to find peace on this planet. Women will lead the way in this remembrance back to dance, back to the body, back to peace, back to Source. Bellyfit is here to help pave the way. I will be honoured if you can join us. Let’s get moving!
What to expect in a Bellyfit Class?
Non-competitive, welcoming environment that is inclusive to ALL women. I want you to feel comfortable yet challenged, safe yet motivated, relaxed yet inspired!
We will go though 7 Sections for a seamless journey that will leave you feeling strong, sexy, sacred and certainly GLOWY! The first 30 minutes of your journey will begin with a brief standing meditation and move straight into your warmup and cardio sections. The second 30 mins will be your cool-down, core and Yoga/pilates inspired stretch sections and the whole 60 mins will be woven together with a soundtrack of the very best DJ Mixed, ethno-electronic dance music and meditation tracks available in the industry.
New language and concepts Because Bellyfit draws from several different teachings ~ ancient and modern ~The language maybe new to you but just be open minded.
I will be introducing concepts and exercises that address everything from pelvic floor awareness, spinal alignment, spiritual connection, emotional intelligence and mental health. Don’t worry if you don’t ‘get’ something right away. After a few classes you’ll start to understand the language of Bellyfit so you can get the most out of your dance!
Spiritual connection and inspiration I believe that your spiritual health is just as important as your physical health. Bellyfit does not promote any religion or ideologies. No matter what your faith or belief system, Bellyfit invites you to look within, where your true spiritual connection begins. I hope you feel this connection and that it nourishes your body, mind and soul from the inside out.
Levels and Layers In a typical Bellyfit class, you’ll be likely to see a vibrant 60 year old beside a fiery 25 year old, both getting the workout they need. This is because I offer ‘levels and layers’ for all moves. You’ll be given a high intensity or low intensity option to choose from, and the moves will be broken down the first few times to ensure that you are set up for success with every routine. I’ll encourage you to listen to your body and move at a level that works for you, and we’ll make sure even if you have two left feet, you can still rock the moves and get in the groove!
What to bring to class?
SHOES: I LOVE dancing barefoot, it is also your choice, however, I recommend that you wear gym shoes for the first half of the class. Some participants prefer bare feet, usually if they have previous experience with barefoot movement. We will be travelling and doing small pivoting so it’s nice to give the feet and ankles that extra bit of support. Have a go with shoes and without shoes and decide for yourself.
FITNESS GEAR: Whatever you wear for your run or your Yoga class will be great for Bellyfit. Not running or Yogaing these days? Grab whatever stretchies you have and maybe even a sports bra...
WATER: My goal is to make you glow and burn stress! Keep your energy high by staying hydrated during class and I suggest that you have a plant based protein rich snack ready for after the class when your body is still burning energy. Avoid the dreaded blood sugar crash and grab that bag of almonds!
AN OPEN MIND & AN OPEN HEART: The more open you are, the more you will learn and the more you will grow. I recommend smiles also...they’re great exercise for the face and it shows ME how much you are enjoying the dance practice!
A YOGA MAT: In Bellyfit classes we do get on the mat for our core and stretches exercises so bring your mat with you...In Bellyfit Sage classes which is the "low impact version" and a lot gentler, we will be using a chair to do easy core and stretches.
A FRIEND: Studies show that women especially are more likely to stick to their workout for the long haul if they have a workout partner. Someone who can help keep them inspired, motivated and accountable. And I certainly recommend going for a cuppa after too! The benefits of sharing conversation with your girlfriends are just as valuable as the shimmies you just did! Share the love and bring a friend!
🌟 Some Kind Words from Our Dance Besties 🌟
Hearing your experiences and the joy Bellyfit brings means the world to me! Here’s what some of our lovely dance besties have shared about their time in class
"This Holistic class is a totally fulfilling exercise for the mind and body"Farah concentrates on well being incorporating this with exercise and movements that have a spiritual connection. All the routines are planned around making you feel good, believing in yourself and making sure you take time to address anything that is worrying you or making you feel stressed. Farah gives you the tools and methods to make you feel good, to be able to take advantage of ‘being in the moment’. Her routines are meticulously planned and presented, and she moves onto different routines regularly, enabling you to learn even more incorporating some yoga during cool down. The class is a ‘must’ to try!
Moira Talbot
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ONLY ONCE - NOT each time you book!